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solar powered portable power station custom.Compressed Air Energy Storage (CAES)

Time:2024-05-14 Views:1


  Compressed air energy storage is the use of the remaining electricity generated during low load periods in the power system. The air compressor is driven by an electric motor to compress the air into a sealed, large capacity underground hole that serves as a gas storage chamber. When the system lacks power generation, the compressed air is mixed with oil or natural gas through a heat exchanger for combustion, and then introduced into a gas turbine for power generation. There are many discussions abroad and the technology is mature. In China, the preliminary stage was slightly later, and it seems that Academician Lu Qiang has conducted more discussions in this area.

  Compressed air storage also has peak shaving function and is suitable for large-scale wind farms, because the mechanical function of wind energy generation can directly drive the compressor to rotate, reducing the intermediate conversion to electricity and then advancing power.

  Disadvantage: One major drawback is the lower power. The factor is that when the air is compressed, the temperature will increase, and during the process of air release and expansion, the temperature will decrease. During the process of tightening the air, some energy is lost through thermal energy and must be heated from the beginning before it expands. Natural gas is generally used as a heat source for heating air, which leads to a decrease in energy storage power. Another possible deficiency is the need for large-scale gas storage equipment, certain geological conditions, and reliance on burning fossil fuels.

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