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portable power station custom.Inductive energy storage method

Time:2024-05-24 Views:1


  At this point, if we analogize inductance and capacitance, many people may immediately think that inductance should also have some kind of material balance when there is no stored energy. The author himself came up with a concept when thinking about this issue, which is "magnetic charge balance".

  Unfortunately, humans have not yet proven the existence of magnetic charges. However, when the inductance is in a balanced state, there is indeed a balance of "some kind of magnetic field substance". This substance is called a "magnetic domain".

  The concept of magnetic domains will not be described in detail here. But its energy storage method is similar to that of capacitors. However, "magnetic domains" are substances in a magnetic field world, corresponding to charges in an electric field.

  Without a deep understanding of "magnetic domains," one can simply understand them as "countless randomly arranged small magnets in a magnetic medium." In an environment without a magnetic field, these small magnets cancel out each other's magnetic fields and remain in an equilibrium state, making the "magnetic medium" non magnetic to the outside world

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