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custom charging and power station.Optimized load efficiency curve of UPS energy storage power

Time:2024-04-03 Views:1


  The previous UPS is an online dual-conversion architecture, and the rectifier and inverter have power losses when they work. Taking a UPS with a capacity of 60kVA as an example, each KWH of electricity is calculated by 1.2 yuan, and the UPS efficiency is increased by 1%, and the electricity cost is 5045.76 yuan a year. It can be seen that improving the work efficiency of UPS can save a large amount of electricity for the data center, and it is also the most direct way to reduce the energy consumption of the entire room. Therefore, the purchase of UPS should try to purchase more efficient UPS.

  Of course, the high efficiency of UPS is not only high efficiency when full load, but also must have a high efficiency curve, especially in the "1+1" parallel system, according to the system planning, the capacity of each UPS shall not be greater than 50%, if the efficiency is only less than 90%, even if the full load efficiency reaches more than 95%, it is meaningless. Therefore, UPS must take measures to optimize the efficiency curve, so that UPS efficiency can achieve higher efficiency at lower loads.

  In addition to improving the efficiency of UPS itself, some features of UPS can also be utilized. For example, ECO economic operation mode, the principle is that in a good mains environment, activate this function, so that the UPS is directly powered by static bypass, at this time the inverter is in standby state, normal work but no output energy, _ Once the mains is abnormal, the UPS immediately switched to the inverter power supply state, switching time is generally less than 1 millisecond, because the inverter is in standby state. Therefore, its own loss is very small, at this time, the overall efficiency of the UPS can reach more than 1J97%, reducing the loss of more than 3% than the normal mode.

  The use of ECO mode must have two conditions: first, the static bypass must use two sets of highly reliable thyristors, shall not use the combination of contactor and thyristor, because the contact point will ignite when the contactor is suction, and generally cannot work normally after hundreds of times, while the thyristor does not have this problem, and can shorten the switching time. Second, it is recommended to use in a better power environment, such as a first-level power supply unit.

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