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Mechanical energy energy storage system battery

Time:2024-05-10 Views:1


  Mainly including pumped storage, compressed air storage, and flywheel storage.

  (1) Pumped storage: It refers to the process of using excess electricity as a liquid energy medium to pump water from low lying reservoirs to high lying reservoirs during low power periods of the power grid. During peak load periods, the water from high lying reservoirs flows back to the lower reservoir to drive the turbine generator to generate electricity. The efficiency is generally around 75%, commonly known as 4 in and 3 out, and it has daily regulation capacity, which is used for peak regulation and backup. Shortcomings: Difficulty in site selection, extremely dependent on terrain; The investment cycle is long and the losses are high, including pumping losses and line losses.

  (2) Compressed air energy storage: It utilizes the remaining electricity generated during low load periods in the power system, and is driven by an electric motor to compress the air into a sealed, large capacity underground cave that serves as a gas storage chamber. When the system's power generation is insufficient, compressed air is mixed with oil or natural gas through a heat exchanger for combustion, and then introduced into a gas turbine for power generation. Compressed air storage also has peak shaving function, which is suitable for large-scale wind farms, because the mechanical work generated by wind energy can directly drive the compressor to rotate, reducing the intermediate conversion to electricity and improving efficiency. Shortcomings: Low efficiency.

  (3) Flywheel energy storage: It is the use of a high-speed rotating flywheel to store energy in the form of kinetic energy. When energy is needed, the flywheel slows down to release the stored energy. Shortcomings: The energy density is not high enough and the self discharge rate is high. If charging is stopped, the energy will be depleted on its own within a few to dozens of hours.

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