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Energy storage battery development county magistrate.custom emergency powered stations

Time:2024-04-02 Views:1


  In the future, electric vehicles will use lithium batteries as the main source of power drive, mainly because lithium batteries have the advantage of high energy density, so the performance is more stable. However, the quality of lithium batteries is not easy to master when mass production, there are slight differences in the power of the battery core when leaving the factory, and with the operating environment, aging and other factors, the inconsistency between the batteries will become more and more obvious, the battery efficiency, life will also become worse, coupled with overcharge or overdischarge and other situations, serious may lead to fire and other safety problems. Therefore, the battery management system (BMS) can accurately measure the usage of the battery pack, protect the battery from over-charging and discharging, balance the power of each battery in the battery pack, and analyze and calculate the battery pack's power and convert it into the driving's understandable life information to ensure the safe operation of the power battery.

  The global battery management systems (BMS) market will grow by more than 10% in 2022 and will jump to 25-35% between 2023 and 2025. At this stage, whether it is the Oems, battery factories, or related vehicle components factories have invested in the development of battery management system (BMS), in order to master the key technology of the electric vehicle industry, because the car factory is the user of the battery management system, the car factory prefers to use its own software processing, and to use special factory regulation control to maintain operational flexibility. Battery management system (BMS) industry development may be similar to lithium battery, car manufacturers in order to master the key technology, will work closely with long-term suppliers product development, it is difficult to enter the new manufacturers. Therefore, in the future, new manufacturers want to cut into the supply chain of the automobile factory, in addition to strengthening the cooperation relationship with the relevant supply chain, to create customized solutions for demand, only have the opportunity to seize the opportunity.

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