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220v portable power station.Development of energy storage power

Time:2024-04-01 Views:1

  Development of energy storage power

  Onshore wind power technology

  In recent years, the continuous increase of tower height, blade lengthening, site optimization and turbine efficiency improvement have brought the energy collection capacity of onshore wind farms to a new level. The future development of onshore wind power technology will revolve around two major aspects of foundation and structural design and new materials and manufacturing technologies to meet the needs of building higher towers in wind farm areas, further increasing blade size and reducing the risk of shutdown under high load conditions. In the short term, how to improve the working status of onshore wind power plants and reduce costs is an urgent problem to be solved.

  Energy storage: Battery technology developments

  Battery technology for cars and power grids is one of the focuses of energy storage technology research, which is of great significance for solving the intermittency problem of renewable energy such as wind and solar energy, and will also affect the demand for fossil fuels in the future transportation industry. It is expected that by 2025, a new generation of batteries represented by lithium-sulfur batteries will come out, when the energy storage level of the battery will be increased from the current 150 watt-hours/kg to 450 watt-hours/kg, while the weight and cost will be further reduced. This new type of battery will start to be used in electric vehicles on a large scale between 2025 and 2030.

  Modular power generation technology: fuel cells

  Fuel cells and their associated hydrogen-fueled devices will also affect future fossil fuel demand. The range of electric vehicles driven by fuel cells is generally 400 to 500 kilometers, which is better than the current battery-driven electric vehicles. However, before large-scale application, hydrogen fuel cell vehicles need to solve the problem of cost and how ordinary users can obtain hydrogen energy. In the public sector, the use of fuel cell technology is a good modular power generation method, can build more distributed generation networks, make the power system more flexible.

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