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Implementation method of energy storage system

Time:2023-12-14 Views:1


  At present, common energy storage systems mainly include various methods such as electrochemical energy storage, compressed air energy storage, mechanical energy storage, and thermal energy storage.

  1. Electrochemical energy storage

  Electrochemical energy storage refers to the use of chemical reactions to achieve energy conversion and storage. Batteries, capacitors, etc. all use electrochemical reactions to convert electrical energy into chemical energy for storage, and then convert chemical energy into electrical energy for release.

  2. Compressed air energy storage

  Compressed air energy storage is the use of electricity or other energy sources to compress and store air, and release it when needed to convert it into mechanical or electrical energy. Its advantages are high energy storage efficiency, relatively simple storage process, but it requires a lot of space.

  3. Mechanical energy storage

  Mechanical energy storage is achieved by combining with power machinery to store kinetic energy. For example, springs and flywheels are devices that store mechanical energy.

  4. Thermal energy storage

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